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St Mary's Catholic Primary Academy

We live, love and learn together with Jesus as our guide.

01924 472273

Academy Council

St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Governing Body in the Diocese of Leeds


St Mary’s Catholic Primary Governing Body.

Foundation Governors


Mr Murphy

Ms Duddigan (Chair)

Mrs Anderson (Vice-Chair)

Mr Knight

Headteacher Governor


Mr Glover

Parent Governors



Mrs Pinder

Staff Governor


Mrs Nagy






                                                    Foundation Governors

Mr Murphy


21.11.19 - 20.11.24

Ms Duddigan

01.01.24 -31.12.28


Mrs Anderson

 06.11.20 -05.11.24

Parent Governors


03.2023- 03. 2027

Staff Governor

01.09.21 – 31.08.25



ROLES FROM SEPT 2017 – 2023

Chair: (18.10.17 - 17.10.21)

Mrs Crowther (left) 

Miss  Colleran -June 2023 

New Chair To be confirmed

Register of Business Interests

Governors and staff with significant influence on financial decisions should declare any interests, which may impact, on school-related matters. For example, governors and staff should declare any links they have with local firms from which St Mary’s may wish to buy goods or services. Registers of pecuniary interests aid transparency and provide some assurance that personal interests do not influence school decisions.

The previous and current registers at St Mary’s Catholic Primary school are outlined below and include a list of current staff with significant decision making responsibilities and all governors and their reported interest.